Bios - Cogliostro

Voiced By: Richard Dysart
First Appearance: "The Burning Vision"
Position: Helping the Hellspawn

Bio: Once a Hellspawn himself, Cogliostro has attempted to aid the other Hellspawn�s through the ages so that he may gain his honor back and rest in peace.

When he was first a Hellspawn during the time of Knight and the Mist, Cogliostro gave up the shroud and attempted to fend off his curse with the Dark Arts. Calling himself Merlin, Cogliostro lived throughout the ages, trying to aid new Hellspawn�s along the way, though they all met the same fate at the hands of Heaven�s bounty hunters.

With Al Simmons, Cogliostro finds hope. If he is able to get this new Hellspawn to completely rid himself of the shroud then Cogliostro�s torment will be over. Having once been a knight, Cogliostro had his honor taken from him. The only way he can get it back is to help another Hellspawn to defeat the shroud�only then will he be able to rest in peace.

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