Releases - DVD - Todd McFarlane's Spawn 3: The Ultimate Battle

Release Information
Format: DVD
Street Date: 10/5/99
MSRP: $9.97
Packaging Type: DVD tray (FLP snapper)
Media Quantity: 1
Run Time: 150 minutes

Special Features
� Audio Commentary
� Biographies
� Featurette
� Interviews
� Music Video
� Scene Access
Aspect Ratio
Standard [4:3 Transfer]

English (Dolby Digital 2.0)

Edition Details
� Encoding: Region 1
� Animated, Color, Closed-captioned

Synopsis: A terrifying whirlwind is sucking the earth dry, dragging all caught in its spiral down to the very depths of hell. Todd McFarlane's SPAWN at last stands alone, torn between heaven and hell. From Hell the evil forces that control his destiny beckon. And from Heaven, bounty hunters, whose soul mission is the destruction of hellspawn, have been sent to destroy him. Beautiful, seductive, deadly. No man can resist them. No hellspawn can survive them.

It�s a real shame that this season, my favorite of Spawn, has one of the worst DVDs of the entire run. Content wise it�s pretty much perfect; there�s nothing else I could really ask for. It�s the damn menu interface�it�s just flat out horrible! It�s a pain to navigate and you�re forced to watch some stupid rotating animation bit before you can select the option you want. Animated menus are nice and all and I can partially excuse this DVD because of its age, but man�such a horrible interface.

The third season of Spawn holds some of the coolest elements, for me, in it. The battle between Heaven and Hell is explored more in here and I just have a ton of fun watching this season. Unfortunately due to events in seasons 1 and 2, you can�t just jump right into this one; but seeing as how the entire series is entertaining to watch, I guess that�s not necessarily a bad thing.

Video and audio is strong in this release once again, though I have a major gripe about the audio commentary on this release. As the disc ends and you�re forced to flip it over to finish the feature, the commentary literally cuts off mid-word. Flipping the disc over allows McFarlane to finish the word and it just feels like a very sloppy edit.

While talking about the commentary, however, I must say it was even better than the season one commentary. McFarlane brought in a few guests, including his daughters and Al Simmons, to talk about the series. It was also interesting to note that while recording this commentary, apparently they were still going to go ahead with a fourth season, but obviously that was scrapped. A real shame, but at least we�re getting more animated Spawn sometime in 2006�

As before, I recommend just buying the Ultimate Collection. Better packaging and a bonus DVD make the set worthwhile, but if you have to pick up the single disc release, and then by all means do so. Just watch out for that menu. Yikes.

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