Episode #06 - Endgame
Original Airdate - June 20th, 1997 - First Season Finale
Everything comes to a head when Spawn learns of Cyan's kidnapping.
Saving Cyan from Kincaid, Spawn returns Cyan to her parents with the
wedding ring Al Simmons was buried with.
Media and Review by Bird Boy |
Written by Alan McElroy
Directed by [Unaccredited]
Music by Shirley Walker
Animation by Ko-Ko Entertainment
Keith David as Spawn
Richard Dysart as Cogliostro
Michael Nicolosi as Clown
Dominuqe Jennings as Wanda Blake
Victor Love as Terry Fitzgerald, Bobby
Kath Souche as Cyan
James Keane as Sam Burke, Tony Twist
Michael McShane as Twitch Williams, Gareb
John Rafter Lee as Jason Wynn
Ronny Cox as Senator Scott McMillan, Billy Kincaid
Ruben Santiago-Hudson as Jess Chapel
Denise Poirier as Angela
Matt K. Miller, Seth Margolis, Vince Melocchi, Kath Soucie as
Additional Voices
Review: There was so much good about this
episode, I don�t know where to begin. The animation, story, dialogue and
pacing was all top notch in here, with the Kincaid stuff proving
gut-wrenching till the last moment.
The episode was great from start to finish; between the interrogations
of the drug dealer in the beginning to Spawn�s killing of Tony Twist
right after. Kincaid�s kidnapping of Cyan and crazy killing, the
worrying from Terry and Wanda and the fight with Kincaid and Spawn�I�m
having trouble not going into detail about every little bit.
Once we get out of Kincaid�s house and into the chase sequence, the
episode picks up even more. There is some great music during the chase
by Shirley Walker (one of few times I�ll say that I think) and fight in
the alley was superb. Spawn�s shroud reaching out and choking Kincaid
while carrying Cyan away was a treat to watch, what with the green glow
about the entire scene; Kincaid�s final death with the bullet (provided
by Clown) through his skull capped off the fight and ended one very
exciting scene.
One of few times I�ll admit that I nearly cried during a cartoon came
near the end of this episode. With Spawn and Cyan alone together, the
emotion that comes out of Keith David during his dialogue as Spawn is
amazing. Compounded by Wanda's (Dominique Jennings) cry when Cyan came
out of the alley unharmed, the music and emotion coming out of the
characters was profound. There are few things I�ve actually come near to
tears over, especially in animation, but this scene just about does it.
It truly is an amazing scene.
With the final bits of the first season remaining, we�re given a final
city shot of Spawn walking across a roof top and a long panoramic shot
that takes us out of Spawn�s world after over two hours.
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