Episode #05 - Souls in the Balance
Original Airdate - June 13th, 1997

A crazed priest is causing trouble for Spawn and the cities cops and Cyan is abducted by Billy Kincaid after Kincaid was tipped off about Cyan's location by Clown.

Media and Review by Bird Boy
Written by Gary Hardwick
Directed by [Unaccredited]
Music by Shirley Walker
Animation by Ko-Ko Entertainment, Sheen Production

Keith David as Spawn
Richard Dysart as Cogliostro
Michael Nicolosi as Clown
Dominuqe Jennings as Wanda Blake
Victor Love as Terry Fitzgerald, Bobby
Kath Souche as Cyan
James Keane as Sam Burke, Tony Twist
Michael McShane as Twitch Williams, Gareb, Cain
John Rafter Lee as Jason Wynn
Ronny Cox as Senator Scott McMillan, Billy Kincaid
Ruben Santiago-Hudson as Jess Chapel
Charlier Adler, John DeMita, John Hostetter, Denise Poirier, Kath Soucie as Additional Voices
Screen Grabs


Sound Clips
Todd McFarlane Intro (MP3, 558kb)

Review: If I hadn�t already seen the final episode of this season, I�d say this was the best one there is. There was so much going on in this one and the crazy preacher in it only added to the intensity of it all.

Between the kidnapping of Cyan, Clown giving Kincaid the address where she was being held and more great flashbacks, this episode was wonderful. The first time you saw the episode and saw the Preacher get back up after being shot in the head was a total screw-with-your-mind bit that all made sense in the end. I love how that was executed.

Spawn�s path to redemption also begins in this episode, with him saving the boy from the Preacher and going after Cyan in the end. If Simmons had this much good inside of him, I�m curious how Hell was able to get his soul; I know he�s a killer (�born and bred� as Clown would say) but in the end it just doesn�t make a whole lot of sense. Of course the story of Spawn wouldn�t be nearly as interesting if he was Heaven�s recruit.

The animation in here was superb. Between the intro shot of Spawn on a cross and the exploding cars and bodies, there wasn�t a dull moment in here. The reaction on the Preachers face when the bullet pierced his skull and exited combined with the blood�it�s not a moment you�ll forget soon after seeing it. There was also great bits with Spawn dreaming (coming up out of the sand Cyan was playing in) and with Chapel and the American flag draped over the image as it panned.

Overall, this was definitely the second strongest episode of the season.

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